Learn the basics of web development in 1 day.
Rails Girls is a worldwide movement to introduce women to web development, and promote gender diversity in STEM fields.
During one Saturday, students in groups of 2 to 3 are guided step by step by a coach to create their first HTML page, and a simple Ruby on Rails app.
Participants are also invited to come by on Friday evening to install the required bits on their laptop, and to meet & greet the other students and coaches.
The workshop is run by volunteers, and completely free to attend. It is open to women of all age and origin, provided they can come with a laptop.
We take special care to create a safe, welcoming, and enjoyable environment for the students. Everyone, including the organizers and coaches, are expected to strictly adhere to the Code of Conduct.
We just need your name, email, and a bit of information about your level of experience, to help us form balanced teams during the workshop. It will not influence if you are accepted or not.
The application process is not yet available
HTML, CSS, Ruby, and Rails developers: we need your help!
You don’t need to be an expert. If you can explain to someone how to generate a Rails app, and add a few basic pages, you’re good!
On Friday evening from 18h to 21h, we’ll help students get their laptop ready for the next day, installing Ruby and the Rails gem. Saturday will be dedicated to HTML, CSS, and Rails, from 9h to 17h.
Both days will be held at BeCentral.
The registration form is not yet available.